Miller Jr./Sr. High School

Miller, South Dakota

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Home District Jr./Sr. High School Elementary School Staff

Miller, South Dakota

National Honor Society

The Minerva Chapter of the National Honor Society seeks to recognize outstanding student achievement.  Students who are qualified to become members have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 with the hope of creating an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizenship in a democracy. Qualities of scholarship, service, leadership and character were the ideals that the National Honor Society was trying to foster in the youth of our country.  

Ten years later, the Miller Chapter began in 1931 with four members.  Those ideals of scholarship, service, leadership, and character remain as relevant today as they were in 1921.  

Qualifications to be considered for selection into the Miller National Honor Society:  All students that have obtained a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 and are in the junior or senior class receive an application to be considered for membership.  Once the application is complete, a faculty council is to determine if the nominee has met those qualities as defined by the National Honor Society.  Once the faculty council makes their recommendation, those students are notified to attend the Induction Ceremony.  The nominees are evaluated on all four qualities of scholarship, service, leadership and character recognized by the National Honor Society.

Alumni by year initiated                                                    Alumni by last name